Monday, April 30, 2012

From The Pastor's Pen... 4/30/12 - Total Perception

"The woman saith unto him; Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet" (John 4:19 AKJ).

Total perception is everything! It's a scriptural principle that every serious believer needs to
understand and walk in. Total perception, is primarily an operation of the Holy Ghost, in His
capacity as the Spirit of Truth (see John 16:13). And it's full manifestation is the same divine operation which revealed to Peter that, Jesus was Messiah, and Christ, the Living Word (see John 6:68-69).

Like the woman of Samaria, in our opening verse from John the 4th chapter, our perception, or how we perceive something, can have a significant effect on our total victory as believers. In fact, our proper perception of a matter in which we are deeply involved, may also negatively control the outcome if
we view it from the narrow perspective of the natural realm. But let me explain further.

Firstly, in order to perfectly discern every aspect of a matter, we must see the whole picture, by viewing
it, not simply with our primary physical senses, but with our spiritual eyes and ears, as well. That's
why Paul clearly pointed out in the 12th verse of Ephesians chapter 6 that, our battles are not against
flesh and blood, or what may appear to be the tangible evidence before us, but, rather, against very
real strongholds of evil and darkness in the unseen supernatural realm.

Secondly, we need to clearly understand that, all situations and circumstances we encounter in the natural realm, are simply incomplete mirror images of the very real spiritual warfare taking place
simultaneously in Satan's invisible arena; where angelic forces are likewise engaged in the struggle
on our behalf. If we fail to grasp and, more importantly, operate in the truths of these vital kingdom principles, our perception will always be incomplete. Further, a lack of total perception on our part will render us ineffective and dangerously defeated. And that is a serious matter indeed, particularly when we consider the scriptural warning from Messiah Jesus that, our enemies goals and agenda is literally,
to steal, and to kill and to destroy us (see John 10:10).

So, that said, as we go forth this week let's seriously seek to grasp and implement this kingdom principle and, related spiritual gift of total perception, in our daily spiritual walk. Because by doing
that, we can be blessed with victory, while contributing to Satan's defeat, and the glory of God.

Have a great week!

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