Monday, November 21, 2011

From The Pastor's Pen... 1121/11 - Verily, Verily, I Say Unto You

“Verily, verily, I say unto you…”

The promises of Jesus, outlined in John 14:12, carry a deeper significance which we often overlook. In fact, John 14:12 is a three-part declaration, setting forth the who, what, and why of the kingdom principle of receiving the power and blessings of God’s covenant. Here, Messiah Jesus taught all who would listen, the particulars for total victory that is available to every believer in the spiritual realm, which we now occupy. And, as believers, we need to take heed.

#1 – “The Who” – “He that believeth on me…” – All born-again remnant believers are included in that definitive statement, not simply the hierarchy of a particular denomination or organized church. Neither does Jesus indicate that the “who” category is limited to a time period…such as the days of the original apostles or the First Century Church.

#2 – “The What” – “…the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do…” We need to take note that the clear implication that Jesus conveyed left no doubt that His believing followers would exercise, and even surpass, all the acts of His earthly ministry, including the miraculous!

#3 – “The Why” – “…because I go unto the Father.” – That bold final statement, when accompanied by the entirety of Jesus’ recorded instructions found elsewhere throughout the gospels, point directly to the availability, and assistance, of the Holy Ghost to every believer throughout the Church Age. So, if Jesus said it, it’s that plain and simple. Or is it?

You see, the problem that many sincere believers face today, when confronted with the simplicity of Jesus’ teachings, is the often overwhelming opposition from preachers and teachers within the official and institutionalized church community. A multitude among this “we-know-better-than-you-do”…”let-us-interpret-it-for-you” church leadership are, for all intents and purposes, the spiritual descendants of the Pharisees of Jesus’ day.  Their continued guidance and direction for us, as well as them, will result in denial of the Holy Scriptures, unbelief, and powerlessness in our spiritual walk. Beware! For they are peddling the doctrines of devils that are clearly contrary to the Living Word, and, again, like their counterpart, the Pharisees, they proudly exhibit a form of godliness, yet deny the power thereof. From such, the Scriptures command, turn away (see 2 Timothy 3:5).

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