Hi, Everybody!
Please take time to view and pass on the information below in regard to the soon to be released motion picture Dolphin Tale by Alcon Entertainment. I believe that film making is one of the most important ways in which the Christian community can impact Hollywood and the larger entertainment industry. Our continued involvement and support of films such as this, and others, will prod and awaken the powers that be to the potential audience for such family pictures and encourage them to invest in future undertakings by Christian affiliated film makers. Thanks so much!
-Rev. John Knox
I am reposting this from my wife's site:
Sally Clarkson of I Take Joy has asked for help in supporting her son, Nathan, and his dream of influencing Hollywood. Nathan's goal is to send a message that quality, wholesome films with a good, moral message are important to us, and I'm passing Sally's call to arms along to you!
Here’s how you can help:
1. Nathan has had an opportunity to work as a consultant on the movie Dolphin Tale, which releases in theaters (US and Canada) on September 23rd. The goal is to get 150,000 people minimum in attendance to the movie on release day. You can be one of those 150,000 plus!

2. Blog about it and/or e-mail your fellow homeschoolers and Christian friends about this fantastic opportunity. Encourage them to get involved, spread the word, and attend the movie.
In case you’re wondering, Dolphin Tale is a fantastic family movie which will “inspire, instruct, and bring you to tears because of the great story line.” And...can you believe it? Two home educated children play the main roles!
Bonus: Sally and her husband, Clay, are giving away Dolphin Tale prize packs as a thank you for helping to spread the word. To find out more and enter visit Sally's site, I Take Joy today!