Friday, March 4, 2011

What On Earth Is Happening?

What on earth is happening? It seems that this is the question on almost everyone's mind today. And not surprisingly, in light of events in the world around us, particularly in the Middle East. In fact, that question, or ones very similar to it, are not only being anxiously voiced by persons within secular society, but increasingly, among many within the Church, as well. Obviously, the entire world around us is being shaken as never before, as was foretold (see 1 Peter Chapter 3:26-29.) That being the case, how are we, as serious believers to understand, these things by faith, and respond to those inquiries, and very real fears?

The Apostle Peter, writing by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, in 1 Peter 3:15, instructs us to " ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you, a reason of the hope that is in you..." 

But, obviously, in order to do that, we should first familiarize ourselves with the prophetic word.. And then, once having done so, simply allow the scriptures to interpret themselves. So for the purposes of this post, lets examine one of the most important revelations which Messiah Jesus delivered, in regard to the coming "...end of the age."

In response to an inquiry by His disciples in Luke 21:7, concerning the signs of His promised future return, He revealed to them, and us, a number of key events to watch for. The most significant of these being found in the 25th verse,  "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and upon the earth, distress of nations, with perplexity..."

It is certainly safe to say that, never before in modern times have world leaders been simultaneously confronted with such complex issues and circumstances, and it's becoming evident from their public pronouncements that, there is great perplexity among them, as to viable solutions.

When considering this and other related prophecies, it is important to note that both the Old and New Testaments clearly teach a day of reckoning to come upon the earth and its inhabitants at the end of time. Many of these clear warnings by Messiah Jesus of a future judgment and tribulation are easily recognized as a  mirror image of our day. Though not yet the culmination, no doubt, much of what the world is experiencing today is the foreshadowed " beginning of sorrows" ( see Jesus pronouncement in Matthew 24:7-8).

Unfortunately, while our nation and the world today is faced with seen and unseen enemies which threaten the moral fabric of our natural and spiritual survival, much of the visible church is ill-equipped to effectively combat these evils and stand her ground as in times past. And many believers are, with good reason, as fearful and confused as their secular counterparts. If you're among them, there's a couple of things you need to understand.

For various reasons, the modern church has fallen away from her foundations by patterning herself on the world around her. By doing so, she has become powerless and vulnerable, and therefore often unable to provide direction to those with whom she has been solemnly entrusted. Much of the blame can be laid at the feet of weak, and misguided pastors and teachers who fail, or in some cases, simply refuse to guard and instruct the flock. However, all is not lost! For in these waning days of history, the Lord Himself is raising up a remnant of serious believers, loyal to no sect, or creed, who refuse to march or conform to the doctrines or commandments of men. Rather, their loyalty and allegiance is to the Living Word, King  Jesus the Anointed, and to the principle of Sola Scriptura, the scriptures alone. They walk daily in victory and not despair, and stand "ready always, to give an answer to every man that asketh..." concerning all things pertaining to the scriptures. The righteousness in which they walk, is not of themselves, but rather is from, and of, the Lord Himself, (see Isaiah 54:17).

If, as a born-again Christian, you are not experiencing the type of victory which will make it possible to walk confidently through the difficulties of these times, determine to be a seeker after the truth of the scriptures and the heart of God. He will meet you where you are, and endue you with the ability to personally understand and convey to others what is happening in our world today.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Greetings In The Name of King Jesus!

Has there ever been a day when the word’s of King Jesus rang truer?

“Distress of nations, with perplexity” is certainly a clear and present sign of our times (Luke 21:25).

But in our zeal to discern the times and the seasons, let us not forget that there’s work to do and a kingdom gospel to proclaim as well! Even though we should ready ourselves for what appears to be the soon return of Jesus Christ, we should never lose sight of the marching orders given to the church, to “go forth” with signs following. And we need to be prepared to do just that in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.

Of course, there’s more to our commission than simply delivering the Good News! We also need to clearly communicate the scriptural conditions which must be met in order to receive all that belongs to man through Jesus’ death and resurrection. It’s a job for the whole body of Christ on earth. Not just the leadership, pastors, teachers, and evangelists! Every born-again believer has a role to play in delivering the Lord’s message and all are called to fulfill a specific ministry...whether it be large or small.

If you or I are a pastor involved in the five-fold ministry today or are called to serve in any other capacity which requires us to preach or teach the Word of God, we must follow Jesus’ example in speaking the truth. Especially that which is hard for our listeners to hear. The world around us has created, and continues to promote, a moral vacuum which is opposed to scriptural principles. As believers, we need to stand up and set the record straight. Wherever and when ever necessary.

As many of you know, a number of years ago, Rebecca and I chose to remove our children from the public school system and teach them at home. Although it’s never been easy, when all is said and done, it’s a decision we do not regret. And I feel even more strongly today that the safety and spiritual health of the generations to come are dependant upon our active involvement, as believers, in what our children are taught and exposed to. We cannot trust public education, with its secular, anti-Christian bent and its encouragement of open-minded coddling of the perverse, to mold the minds of our sons and daughters. Men, as heads of households and appointed protectors of their families, have a scriptural mandate to speak out, as well as act, to ensure that the next generation of homes will properly serve the Lord (Deut 6:1-9; Joshua 24:15).

Jesus never taught a “politically correct” doctrine or suggested tolerance of any beliefs or practices contrary to the scriptures and we should steadfastly follow His example. The body of Christ faces apostasy...a falling away from sound principles of the faith...the beginnings of which are already upon us.

Yes! The perilous times, of which both Jesus and Paul spoke of openly, are threatening the very fabric of our society. You and I, however, can stand in the very face of these trying times by returning to the concepts and principles of the Living our homes and our personal lives...right!

May God bless you exceeding abundantly through His covenant with you as you seek to do His will!